The Most Pernicious Idol of All
On the Way
From the ones who had much, Jesus asks for more. From the one in need, Jesus asks nothing
What does it take to follow Jesus?
Our only foundation should be our God known to us through Jesus Christ. A God who disrupts human chaos through divine challenge. Jesus who invites us to a table where everyone has a seat and who feeds us even when the plates seem empty. Jesus who takes down corrupt systems of religious and government by laying down his own life instead of destroying others’.
Who do we say Jesus is?
Peter thinks he’s got it all figured out – Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, the anointed, the Promised One who will save the people.
but then Peter gets angry when he finds out what that means.
Lord, I Want to be a Christian
What matters is not the religious label we claim for ourselves; what matters is what comes out of our hearts. What matters is how we treat others. What matters is how we care for others and for creation. We can say with your lips, “I follow Jesus.” What do our actions say? What comes out of our hearts that leads to action in this world?
10 years: the story of us
My story and your stories may sometimes seem disconnected and disjointed. Our stories are still being written. The story of our partnership in ministry has been filled with tears of sadness and anger and happiness. It’s been filled with moments of joy and mourning and every emotion in between. It’s been filled with love and love and love. And I can’t wait to see what’s next.
We are Legion
Day by day his sweet voice soundeth, saying “Christian, follow me.”
Our leaders claim that we are a Christian nation but are we truly following Christ?
Can we call ourselves Christian or must we take on the name “Legion” as well?
Old vs New
This time of year when we are given this idea
of new year, new you
We don’t have to abandon the old
for changes that are bold
We can hold on the past
in new ways that will last
The old prayers and songs
The 23rd psalm and the balm
In gilead
Will revive our soul again when we feel our work’s in vain
Tell the Story
Jesus shows us what is possible – a world where all are recognized as children of God, a world where the rich and the powerful are brought low and all people are equal
Jesus shows us that we can make a real difference in our world – just as he did. That we can feed the hungry and heal the sick and free the prisoner; that we can reach out to others who we think are different from us; that we can put ourselves in uncomfortable situations; that we can stand up for what’s right and Godly.
We can go out and preach Jesus. We can tell Jesus’ story. We can live Jesus’ story.