Thank you for supporting the ministries of MCC!
We have a variety of ways for you to easily donate.
To send in your pledge, please email our Assistant Treasurer .
PayPal Giving Fund
No fees are charged to you or the church.
Please contact us to let us know if you'd like your donation
to go to another fund besides Operating Expenses.
Give by Text
Text any amount to (978) 350-0600
Please include the fund name in your text
so we can properly credit your donation.
Please include the fund name in the “What’s it for?” section
so we can properly credit your donation.

Bank Check
Set up automatic bill pay through your bank and/or send checks to:
Attn: Financial Recording Secretary
Memorial Congregational Church
26 Concord Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Memorial Congregational Church of Sudbury, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization. (EIN 20-4031475)