Holy Week services at Memorial Congregational Church (MCC)
The week before Easter is one of the most powerful of the church year. It is a moment to reflect on what it means to be alive, an exploration of the range of human emotion, and a time to consider what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. It’s a journey from the highs of Jesus’ triumphal entry into the city through the desperate lows of his arrest and crucifixion and the confusion of an empty tomb. Only after we have been through the darkest valleys are we able to truly experience the ecstatic heights of Easter resurrection.
Palm Sunday, March 25
10am – Sanctuary
The youth of the church will lead us in rousing shouts of “Hosanna” as we enter the city with Jesus and his disciples.
Maundy Thursday, March 29
6pm – Ames Hall
A service of Tenebrae (shadows) takes place during a potluck supper. The story of Jesus’ Last Supper takes place around us as we dine and worship with friends remembering a night of celebration, confusion, fear, and growing darkness.
Good Friday, March 30
Noon, Martha Mary Chapel
Join us for a noon ecumenical Good Friday service at the Martha Mary Chapel on the grounds of the Wayside Inn. MCC member Rev. Sarah Hubbell offers the sermon. Rev. Tom and Rev. Gail Wright join Christian clergy and representatives of other Sudbury churches in leading a service reflecting on Jesus’ crucifixion and death.
Easter Sunrise
6:45am, 16 Concord Road
Gathering in Bobbi Fisher’s backyard around the corner from the church we’ll imagine what it was like for the women who discovered Christ’s empty tomb as the sun peeks over the horizon. Communion will be shared and breakfast will follow in Ames Hall. Please park at the church or across Concord Road to leave the driveway for those who need assistance.
10am – Sanctuary
The week concludes with a celebration of Christ’s work in our world. The Easter joy will fill the sanctuary with song, prayer, and Word. Rev. Sandra Summers will preach on the unexpected moments in our lives. The Cherub and Junior choirs will share their youthful exuberance with musical offerings. Our service concludes as the Senior Choir leads the congregation in Handel’s Hallelujah chorus as all gathered are filled with the hope of Resurrection.