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Christmas Eve Service and Lighting Logistics

Requires 3-5 Deacons or volunteers

Light switch locations

  • Main sanctuary
    • Light switches are in the choir loft in the back right corner
  • Star projector
    • On ledge in front of choir loft
  • Choir loft
    • Three toggle switches next to main sanctuary lights.
    • Side area switches are by each set of stairs.
  • Chancel area
    • Switches are in the parlor by the Church St. side door. There are flood lights and spotlights for the cross and back wall, and side lights.
  • Parlor lights
    • Located outside of the parlor doors, next to the office entrance

Before the Musical Prelude (7:00 PM)

  • Get large basket of small candles in drip prevention cups from sacristy cabinets.
  • Make sure offering plates are on a stand by the chancel
  • Please do not put out white chairs unless they are needed. Try to fill the pews first.

Lights before service – turn off

  • most parlor lights
  • chandelier and spotlight by the back Church Rd. door
  • Sacristy (on choir loft wall)
  • choir loft chandelier and spot lights turned off
  • Music Room
  • Community Bulletin Board
  • Hallway by Parlor Kitchen

Lights before service – leave on

  • lights in parlor kitchen (so corridor can be navigated safely)
  • side lights in choir loft
  • star projector

Ushers/ Deacons give out candles and bulletins as people  enter  sanctuary

When choir is ready to process (7:30 PM)

  • Turn off lights in sanctuary – all parlor and hallway lights should be off
  • Turn off chancel lights with the Church St. switches – the white light on the cross will remain lit
  • Choir will sing and process, the Advent wreath will be lit
  • Turn up chancel lights when the opening Carol begins (“O Come, All Ye Faithful”)
  • turn on one spot light over the choir (middle toggle switch)
  • sanctuary lights will remain off through the service

During Service

  • Count people during the service and record on the sheet in the kitchen
  • 2-4 ushers needed to collect offering

Silent Night

  • After the pastor explains the logistics, a candle will be lit off of the Advent wreath.
  • The pastor will pass the flame to two deacons
  • Deacons/ministers proceed down the center aisle lighting the candles of the congregation. The pastor or another minister will light the candles for the choir.
  • The lights in the sanctuary should remain off.
  • turn off choir spot lights (middle toggle switch) (leave the side areas lit?)
  • Make sure that the lights in the parlor and hallway are turned off.

After Silent Night ends, turn on some parlor lights and lights in hallway by parlor kitchen.

Christmas Eve Service and Lighting Logistics
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