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Sunday Welcome Guidelines

Please arrive by 9:40am and wear your name tag.

Set-up Sanctuary

  • Turn on the microphones following the instructions in the sacristy; prior to the Prelude check to make sure that the pulpit and 2 handheld mics are working.
  • Turn on the chancel lights. Switches are located in the parlor outside of the sanctuary;
  • Check that the offering plates are on stands by the sanctuary entrances;
  • Light candles 10 minutes before the service.  Matches or lighter are in the pulpit;
  • Leave sanctuary doors to the parlor open for ventilation;
  • Turn on fans and (4) air purifiers in pews         (hold down power button to start);
  • After the service: Extinguish the candles, turn off the sound system per the instructions; tidy up the pews, recycling leftover bulletins & paper, and straightening up the pew bibles, hymnals, pencils, envelopes, etc.,
  • turn off the fans and air purifiers (hold down power button for 10 seconds to stop).



  • Stand just inside the main doors to the church and welcome people as they enter;
  • If you are not sure if someone is new, say “I don’t think we’ve met, my name is…
  • Escort new visitors to the welcome table in the parlor and introduce them to Welcome Table.


  • Stand at the table in the parlor and welcome people as they enter;
  • Remind folks about name tags. If they do not have a name tag, fill out a temporary one for them and get their information if they’d like one printed;
  • Hand out bulletins as people enter the sanctuary;
  • Help new visitors find the sanctuary; answer any questions or find someone who can;
  • Inform visitors with young children that the nursery is available and point the way;
  • Inform school age children that they will begin in the sanctuary and will be led to Faith Exploration (Sunday School) later in the service.
  • Please remember to take a headcount including the choir, children, and late-comers during the Children’s Moment, check with camera operator for number of Zoom attendees and record the number on the chart in the Parlor kitchen, along with any news that may have impacted attendance such as special events, weather, etc.;
  • After the service, try to re-connect with visitors and ask if they’d like to sign the guest book by the Parlor doors.

We will not be passing the plate for an offering. The plates will remain at the entrance to the sanctuary.

Sunday Welcome Guidelines