‘twas the Sunday after Christmas- the pews were all bare
even though there was worship, almost no one was there.
The pastor was wrapped in his stole and his robe
and when asked “Isn’t Christmas over?” he simply quipped, “no.”
Throughout Advent, he said, “we should fight the temptation!
December’s not Christmas, it’s about anticipation”
So we waited: no carols, no shepherds, no wise men.
We waited as he said it, again and again.
Then finally it came, Christmas Eve – here at last.
We could sing all our songs, we could end our song-fast.
When up from the organ, there arose such a clatter,
As Tom finally let us sing carols that matter.
December 24th was just the first date
of the Christmas season we can now celebrate.
Even though stores are cleaning, post-Christmas sales on,
the creche is still here on this New Year’s Eve dawn;
Because inside the church, and inside our heart,
the nativity story is simply the start
The story continues, our God is still speaking,
And that baby born low: it’s now us that he’s seeking;
to head out to the world and to live the good news,
to put on our coats, and our scarves, and our shoes;
and to let the world know that God loves us all,
the old and the young and the short and the tall;
the hungry and thirsty, the sick and the poor,
cis, trans, gay and straight and oh so many more.
See, the story of Christmas – sometimes lost in distraction –
is that God holds us close … and God calls us to action.
So for the 12 days of Christmas, we’ll consider God’s gifts.
And we’ll think of the challenges, calls, and the shifts:
Our shifting perspectives about how we live,
our call to help others, challenged to forgive.
We’ll remember that this tiny, stable-born child –
this holy infant so tender and mild –
didn’t grow up to live a life of frivolity,
he lifted up others, he fought inequality.
He fed the hungry, spent time with the outcasts,
preached a gospel ‘bout God that continues to last.
You may feel alone sitting here in the pews,
but this Christmas season, take time – time to muse
about God’s wonderful gift to the world that is you,
and realize all the powerful things you can do
to play an active part in the world God created.
Because of your work thirst can be slated;
and bellies be filled and the naked be dressed,
the sick will be nursed and prisoners feel blessed.
So this Sunday after Christmas, thanks for listening again.
Merry Christmas to all, can I get an amen?