If you have never been to church before — don’t be afraid! When we gather together on Sunday mornings, it is meant to be a time of joy and relaxation.
Here are some of the things we do:
We pray together – We believe in a God who is active and present in our lives and who listens to our prayers. Don’t worry if you don’t know what to say. If there’s anything that we all say together, it’s printed in the bulletin. There’s also a time (called “Joys and Concerns”) when anyone who wants to can share their thanks and hopes for the week. If you choose to share your thoughts, you can’t say the wrong thing: they’re your words!
We sing together – Our choir leads us in song. The words and music are printed in either one of our hymnals or in the bulletin. Someone once said “When you sing, you pray twice.” Sharing our faith in song is another way to experience God.
We listen together – Members of the church volunteer to lead us in prayer and to read stories from the Bible. The preacher offers a meditation on the scripture reading. These are his thoughts after careful prayer and study and are offered as such — they are not expected to be taken as the only “truth” or interpretation. Hopefully, the meditation will only be the start of the conversation with the preacher or others who have heard the message.
We support one another – Life has many ups and downs. As a church community, we know that we lean on each other when we need help and that we can support others when they need us. It is truly a blessing to share life’s joys and concerns together.